March 20th, 2013

lizardSo I recently summoned a lesser daemon from a plane of pure malice and torment. He wouldn’t tell me his real name, so I called him squinky. He’s a tiny little rascal, not three feet tall with the most adoriable little wings and fangs. The kind of cute that you just want to bludgeon it to death with a solid two-by-four. Pikachu cute. Plus the little fucker shat everywhere and tried to eat the cat. So I didn’t keep him around for long.

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Radar LoveBy Ministry 1
Date rapeBy Sublime 2
Love is LostBy David Bowie 3
Roadside crossBy Deadbolt 4
Evil ScienceBy Zombina & The Skeletones 5
PenetrationBy Coffin Nails 6
King of the cannibalsBy Bloodsucking zombies from outer space 7
The Hardest ThingBy Mad Marge & The Stonecutters 8
No vacancyBy Whitemud 9
ScreamingBy The Brains 10
Creature of NightBy Zombie Girl 11
“Circus”By Spacemak3r 12
Become ChaosBy Sin D.N.A. 13
I’d Rather Be HighBy David Bowie 14