February 27th, 2013

lizardBack when I was a tyrannical despot ruling over a couple of galaxies, I would escape from the endless ruckus of running the universe to a small place out in the outskirts of HW Virginis c, a brown dwarf so cool at the surface you can swim in the thick vapours of its upper atmosphere. Of course, if you don’t have gills like myself you’d probably need a breathing apparatus, and most humans would probably need some sort of atmospheric protection to protect from all the gaseous mercury and arsenic, but hey, dare to dream, right?

Click here to download the podcast.

Osibisa/Music for Gong Gong
Voodoo Zombie/El twist de la pinup
Zombie Ghost Train/Go Go Mummy
Insect Surfers/Polaris
Whip Crackin’ Daddies/Poseur
Bad Whoremoans/It’s Alive
Silent Horror/Paranormal
Gore Gore Girls/Pleasure Unit
Bikes and Hollers/Stay away from Ravan Canyon
Famous Monsters/The Reluctant Ghoul
VNV Nation/Descent
Zombie Girl/Gonna Getcha
Blind Passengers/Skundrinka
Alien Sex Fiend/Five to One