S02E08 “Unlikely allies.”

lizardMy goodness! Is it ever nice to be out of that carbonite. Much to my surprise, my longtime nemesis Shredditor was somehow involved in my emancipation. Of course, we still have the whole issue of Zezebet trying to kill millions of souls for his demon-god or something to that effect. I sure hope the little scamper got my message while I was assimulated… what the hell was his name again? Stevie, Stewie… Stinky… ahh, whatever.

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S02E07 “Grand Plans Unravelled”

lizardKalashnikov personal log – Entry 557.

Following the assimulation of the Lizard King, we attempted to rescue him from the Borg Cube. This resulted in a great deal of casualties and we were ultimately forced to retreat and regroup. Then, after we had prepared an effective counterattack, they had disapeared. The HUB was gone.

So I remembered hearing Shredditor boasting about planting a tracking device into the Lizard King, and decided to see if I could convince him to let me have use of it.

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