Episode 6 “Exchange this…!”

lizardFollowing our escape from the moon of Zetzibar 4b, we collected a sample of the Xenomorphs using our new ship’s teleportation technology to make a killing on the intergalactic black pet market, where thing such as Xenomorphs, Unicorns and Shoggoths can fetch an exceedingly high price. I recalled a collector, Don Lombardio on the mining superpower Gadang 7b. How foolish of me to not remember the golden rule – honest, trustworthy people do not become intergalactic mining tycoons.

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Ding Dong SongBy Gunther & The Sunshine Girls 1
SynthesizedBy Epoxies 2
Baby’s on FireBy Die Antwoord 3
Born to be wickedBy David Vanian and the Phantom Chords 4
Red LightBy Dead 60s 5
The Batcave By Empress of Fur 6
Batman’s ThemeBy Hawaii Samurai 7
Cars Hiss By My WindowBy The Doors 8
Shotgun babyBy Godless Wicked Creeps 9
Tornado MaryBy Green Monster 10
Borg SexBy Joe Satriani 11
Better Metal SnakeBy Dethklok 12
StrippedBy Rammstein 13

February 20th, 2013

lizardDepending on a planet’s proximity to its sun, and the radiance and size of the sun itself, the resulting light received by the planet will be noticibly different. Whereas the skies on Earth are blue, the skies of Beetlegeuse IV are a strange magenta. This change of natural light has dramatic effects on the wildlife, the modified light has allowed plant-like organisms to develop limbs that are a strange combination of roots and legs. These legroots can absorb nuttrients from the soil as well as enable locomotion, which allows many of these plant-like organisms, like the massive Spiked Howler, to hunt and devour prey of all sorts.

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Tom Waits/Hell broke luce
Big John Bates/Fields of fire
The Vladmirs/Her black hearse
Reventlos/Death of a Reventlo
Godzilla Flip/From the dark side
Empress of Fur/Roadster
Dead 60s/Red Light
Whip Crackin’ Daddies/Fire
The Doors/Back door man
Dethklok/The Gears
Scythia/Dies Irae Pt.1
Black Sabbath/Faeries wear boots

Playlist for January 10th, 2012

Coming to you from across both space and time these days, and alas, this has provided a few holes for my nemesis to disrupt my plans. No matter, I shall overcome my detractors with renewed resistance!

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The Space Cossacks/Bombora
Kitty in a casket/Nekrophilian love
Bloodsucking zombies from outer space/Dracula’s Cadillac
Empress of Fur/The Batcave
Graveside Rockers/Self destruct
Dead Milkmen/Big Lizard in my backyard
The Get Down/Bring on the night
Dethklok/Uber cannon deth sentence
The Tea Party/Babylon
Mad Marge & the Stoncutters/In the name of
Lydia Lunch/Lady Scarface
Lulu’s Marble/Girl give me love
Gore Gore Girls/Voodoo doll
Theatre des Vampire/La danse macabre du vampire